why you still have to wait for popular mobile games to launch on Android

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 Android fragmentation Perhaps one of the reasons the developers still choose iOS over Android in the beginning, even if there are more users of Android devices in the world of iOS users. But the Wall Street Journal shows that there is a reason why Android users have to wait for some popular mobile games to launch on the Android platform exclusivity.
Apparently, Apple, Google and Amazon are involved in a fierce battle to exclusive games in. labeling, Que could convince some buyers of smartphones and tablets, to change sides, to act as the owner. Games like Plants vs Zombies 2 EA or Cut the Rope ZeptoLab had two exclusively for iOS first, because the companies that agreed behind, delay the introduction of Android, in exchange for preferred placement in the App Store.
"When people love the game and are not on an alternative platform change platforms," ​​said the head of Emily Greer Kongregate. "The level of addiction a person can be a game almost overcome everything."
According to a joint study by IHS and App Annie, accounted for more than 70% of the $ 16 billion spent on mobile applications in the last few years mobile games. This explains why game developers would be interested in accepting offers exclusivity, as a place to help in the app stores, increase profits significantly.
"Apple does not offer exclusive money for the game, such as marketing or promotional assistance, usually in which to discuss these people. These offers power after the meetings, the game producer or or demonstrate their upcoming title" has wrote the paper.
Plants vs Zombies 2 was available on iOS for just two months, while the new game Cut the Rope was a shop exclusive applications for three months. Both games have been conveyed save in a big top of the App home box.
Google and Amazon are courting the developers in a similar manner. "We do not have many developers put their applications in the Amazon Appstore, some of which are exclusive to our store to work," said an Amazon spokesperson.
However, all developers can be on exclusive deals with Gameloft, is one of those examples. The company decided that it was the best thing for your business at the same time launch Asphalt racing games on iOS and Android.

  • Updated: April 30, 2014
    Plants vs Zombies 2 apk qr code
  • Size: 7 MB
  • Current Version: v2.2.2
  • Requires Android: 2.3 and up
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How about a fake virus made it, to learn it now

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If you are able to make a fake virus examined. When you turn on the computer or your friend's CD / DVD drive will Repeatedly open and close. And by Utilizing synthesis tricks can Easily surprise your friend. You can do very easily. To do this follow the Following three steps.

Step 1: First, unplug your computer notepad. Kapikare then paste the text below.

Set oWMP = CreateObject ("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count> = 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
colCDROMs.Item (i) .Eject
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
colCDROMs.Item (i) .Eject
End If
WScript.Sleep 5000

Step II: Save the Notepad file on the desktop named Virus. vbs.

Step 3: Double click on the Desktop S Virus. vbs file.

One minute after getting off the computer's DVD drive Automatically opens.

When you have fun with the fake virus delete the file from the desktop Virus. vbs restart the computer. DVD drive will be Exactly the same as before.

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