Experimentally testing nonlocality in many-body systems

Science has recently published a study by researchers at ICFO carried out in cooperation with the Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of nuclear science, which recognize the ability of non-locality in quantum many-body systems by building Bell inequalities, the only two multi-body correlations.
In quantum theory, particle interactions to create interesting correlations that cannot be explained by any means known in the classical world. These well-known non-local correlations that quantum and classical world, differences in the level of elementary particles. They also have a strong resource in recent years, perfect for this type of real-world applications such as the generation of cryptographic keys, which against any malicious adversaries are certainly perfect, or random numbers that are crucial for cryptography, numerical simulations of complex systems, or fair play. Last but not least, other than entanglement nonlocal correlations should shed new light on our understanding of the physics of quantum many-body states.
An important goal for researchers in this field was to confirm that there really is such a non-local correlations in the journal Nature. Heretofore, attempts have directed for observation, not only a small spot on quantum systems consisting of a small number of particles, so that the complex quantum systems completely unexplored.
(BD IT TALK) This is simply because the familiar tools that can reveal the non-locality, the so-called Bell inequalities include correlations between the many parties that are N body still beyond the reach of current experimental quantum technology systems.
In this study, the research team at ICFO, Jordi Tura Remigiusz Augusiak, website Belen Sainz ICREA and ICFO Antonio Acín Maciej Lewenstein, was developed in collaboration with T. Vertesi Hungarian courses, multi Bell inequalities of quantities constructed along simple measurement correlates of the two bodies . They showed that these inequalities are capable of the properties of the non-locality of quantum states to reveal a lot of interesting points, in particular in relation to nuclear and atomic physics.
They were even able to show, that proposed in this study inequalities could be experimentally verified by measuring all components of the particle rotation, which opens a wide range of new possibilities for experimental proof of non-locality of many organizations of physical systems where the individual particles cannot be taken into account. Possible experimental designs in which these inequalities can be examined include cold atomic clouds and ultracold atomic ensembles, the atoms (Bose Bose or spinor) and systems trapped trapped in the nanostructures atoms oR ions systems. ADVERTISING
In summary, the authors comment: "Our study has shown that the ability to experimentally the existence of non-local correlations in quantum many-body states confirm accessible physicist, before something unimaginable a basic level, experience in this area would certainly new evidence. That quantum theory correctly describes the nature, even if the systems are more complex organisms considered.
(BD IT TALK) In practice, a better characterization of these correlations in many-body systems could not only help you could create new knowledge lead magnetometry to new applications, such as quantum metrology in particular in quantum.
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